Consulting Services for the Foundations and
Post Mastectomy Industry
When a woman is diagnosed with cancer, it becomes a life changing event. Not only are they concerned with their prognosis, they are concerned about their family, loved ones, and finances. Cancer affects a woman in all of these ways, but also leaves her facing the challenges that come with her appearance during her treatments.
Fortunately, there are specialty businesses whose goal is to make this part of her experience a little easier.
Specializing in image consulting for women with cancer, these businesses offer all or some of the following services to assist her in her journey:
Post Mastectomy Bras
Breast Prostheses
Lumpectomy Forms
Custom Breast Prostheses
Post Mastecomy Swim Wear
Post Mastecomy Lingerie and Loungewear
Plus Sized and Specialty Bras for All Women
Lymphedema and Compression Garments
Wigs/Cranial Prostheses, Hair Pieces
Specialty Skin Care
Inspirational Gifts
Hats, Turbans, Head Coverings
Spa Services
Healing Arts Services
Support Groups, Community Service, and Educational Services
Audrey Carter, CFm, is a 26 year veteran in the Post Mastectomy Image Consulting Industry. She offers business consulting services for business owners or those interested in opening, expanding, or auditing their businesses in this unique industry with a specialty in hospital based boutiques.
She offers her experience and expertise in the industry to help business owners, hospitals, and cancer centers in their growth and development of their boutiques.
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